Adenoid Surgery
Adenoid enlargement, which can negatively affect the development of children, manifests itself in various ways.
The most obvious symptoms of adenoid enlargement;
- Nasal congestion occurs; therefore, the child has difficulty breathing through the nose.
- As breathing becomes difficult, difficulty in falling asleep and snoring occur. This makes the child sleepless and tired.
- Sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
- Sleeping with the mouth open can lead to disorders in jaw and facial development.
- Fluid accumulation in the middle ear that does not respond to treatment.
- Frequent middle ear infections
- Urinary incontinence during sleep
The most important criteria are the child's difficulty breathing during sleep at night, developmental delay and impaired concentration.
A thin endoscope inserted through the nose is used to determine how much the adenoid obstructs the opening behind the nose. Sometimes the extent to which it obstructs the airway can be examined by X-ray examination.
Age of Surgery for Children
Although it is often preferred to wait until the age of 3, it can be done much earlier in case of problems such as apnea (respiratory arrest during sleep), growth and development retardation. There is no specific age limit.
Adenoid Surgery with Plasma Technique
With the new technique called plasma, adenoid growth is removed painlessly, bleeding-free and permanently by vaporization. With this method, there is no bleeding and therefore no need for tampons, and since the adenoid can be removed under full visualization of the surgical field, it can be removed completely, so the possibility of recurrence is much lower. The duration of the operation is shorter, so anesthesia is needed for a shorter period of time. Short anesthesia time also allows patients to be discharged earlier. In fact, with this technique, adenoid surgery has ceased to be an operation in a sense and has become adenoid intervention.
Postoperative Changes
Postoperative pain is almost non-existent. Breathing becomes easier and quality of life improves significantly. Especially when you start to breathe comfortably, appetite increases, sleep starts to be comfortable and development increases especially in children. Excretion of secretions and oxygenation in the nose and sinuses increase, and cognitive functions such as cognition and learning are better.